Miscellaneous embroidery videos

Sit back and watch Sarah stitch these lovely little embroidery designs or have a go yourself! Many of the designs have free downloads to go with them so check out our Freestuff page here.

Click on the play button to watch here on the website  - Click on the square in the bottom right hand corner to watch full screen

Click on the grey link to watch on YouTube - Will open in a new tab. Don't forget to give us a thumbs up so more people can see our videos and you can comment below the video or ask a question!

Mounting and framing your embroideries

How to use metallic threads

5 ways to transfer designs

How to use stretcher bar frames

Top 10 tips to improve your embroideries

How to use a curved needle

My YouTube embroidery setup

Look inside my sewing kit

How to frame embroideries in hoops

Why wrap your embroidery hoop?

Starting and finishing your embroidery threads

The wonderful Versatile table clamp!

How to frame up an embroidery frame

Embroidery ring frames explained

Learn how to transfer an embroidery design